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The curriculum of the courses offered by IPSA, evolves over the years according to the needs of companies in the aeronautics and space sector.

IPSA’s training focuses on developing the skills essential for a first job in an industrial company, while promoting the acquisition of a cultural background necessary for the development and broadening of the field of skills required for a job as a senior manager.

IPSA training has 2 objectives

  1. To be in charge of all positions within a company (Research and Development, Systems Projects, Production Manufacturing, Maintenance and Logistic Support, Implementation and Operation of Operational Systems, Testing, Propulsion, Quality…)
  2. Working in related cutting-edge fields of aeronautics and space (land and sea transport, energy…) using techniques and technologies that are dual to those of the aerospace field.

Through the training provided, students assert their personality, achieve a certain autonomy, develop their ability to work in a team through industrial projects and compulsory internships and acquire a solid scientific and technical culture with an aeronautical vocation.

Components of the training

Courses and Tutorials

IPSA’s training is based on both academic aspects (lectures and tutorials) and practical aspects (projects, design offices, work placements and tutorials).

Tutorials allow students to consolidate what they have learned in the lectures. The work is conducted in half classes. Students work actively, ask questions to the teacher and take turns correcting the exercise.


The setting up of projects to be carried out by teams of two or three students aims at progressively consolidating the students’ analytical and synthesis qualities while forcing them to perfect their written and oral expression skills.

  • Initiation project in Research and Innovation or Business Creation assistance project during the 4th year
  • IPSA Master project during the 5th year

Design and Practical Work

Design offices consist in long studies of 4 to 12 hours conducted in teams of 2 to 4 students. It is a group activity carried out in the presence of the teacher who intervenes on request. These studies are generally complex and require a significant personal involvement.

Practical work is carried out in the same way as in design offices, in small teams that work freely and at their own pace. The professor is present to answer questions and help.

Discovery of the industrial environment

This training is supplemented by compulsory internships in companies and discovery activities in the industrial environment (company visits, conferences, participation in national research projects, etc.).

IPSA has a “Bienvenue en France” label with 2 stars

logo bienvenue en France

IPSA was awarded in 2020 with a 2-star “Bienvenue en France” label issued by Campus France.

International at heart, IPSA helps students to gradually blend in another culture, learn a new language and expand both personal and professional projects.

The label is based on 20 criteria covering 5 areas: quality and accessibility of information; quality and accessibility of reception facilities; quality and accessibility of the training offer and teaching support; housing and quality of campus life; quality of post-diploma follow-up.

Established in 2019 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the “Bienvenue en France” label is awarded to undergraduate and graduate schools recognized for the high quality of their reception, support and guiding of international students:

By being awarded to IPSA in February 2020, the label confirms the quality of work carried out by our institution.

Every year, IPSA is happy to welcome dozens of passionate international students from various countries and continents for different programs:

  • exchange program
  • double-degree program
  • international degree programs: Master in Aeronautical Engineering program, 5-year Aeronautical Engineering program
  • Summer School program

International students are accompanied through a series of actions from the moment they apply at IPSA, before integrating one of our programs, during their studies at IPSA and they are followed-up after graduation. 

Among the actions through which IPSA accompanies international students:

  • facilitating French language courses
  • facilitating intercultural courses
  • guidance regarding French administrative procedures
  • guidance regarding finding an accommodation
  • extra cultural activities organized by our International Student Club

All students can join one of our student clubs. IPSA counts more than 70 student clubs that reflect by their diversity the multiplicity of student profiles we have: technical, professional, humanitarian, sports and cultural clubs.

At the same time, the internationalization of our graduate school grows from year to year. Today we count more than 100 partner universities all over the world, where our students can complete an international study semester as exchange students or as double-degree students: